Shopping for a new pair of sunglasses is more important than you might think.
High on the list of priorities for many people is finding eyewear that's fashionable and affordable. But most forget, functionality. The most important thing is to remember that UV protection is top priority. If you pick up your perfect pair of sunglasses and you think they're the cutest thing you've ever seen, make sure you check the label because you're kind of wasting your time by putting on pair of sunglasses on that are not UV protected. You want to look on the label to make sure it's 99% UV protected at least, 100% is better, but a lot of sunglasses are a 99% UV protection and that covers you pretty well. Also, don't be fooled by lens tint or color. A lot of people will think that darker glasses protect your eyes better, but the color and the darkness, the tint, of the glasses really doesn't matter. Only the amount of UV protection matters. Polarized eye-wear is also a good option. Polarized lenses protect you from glare reflecting from the sun on the water surface, sand or snow. Not protecting your eyes could cost you in the long run. UV light has been tied to increased incidents of cancerous growths on the eyes and eyelids, as well as early cataracts. Whether behind the wheel, in the backyard, or on the beach, remember that sun exposure always requires sunglasses at any age. Sunglasses are small protection now, to prevent bigger problems later. |
Joe BusharaWith over 30 years experience licensed optician Joe Bushara and his highly experienced team, bring you the latest trends in frames and technologies in lenses from around the world. Categories
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